Placenta Services

Common benefits of Placenta Encapsulation:
It can reduce the symptoms of postpartum depression
It replenishes iron levels used during childbirth
It can help to increase energy levels in the early postpartum time
It can help to reduce postpartum bleeding
It helps to stabilize hormones
It can increase oxytocin levels
It can increase breastmilk production
The tincture continues these benefits months and years after pills are finished
Can I still have my placenta encapsulated even if I am GBS+? YES!!! You CAN consume your placenta if you have GBS, provided there is no active infection; however, you may not consume raw placenta products such as smoothies.
Can I still have my placenta encapsulated even there was meconium present during birth? YES! You CAN consume your placenta if meconium is present during birth as I will rinse off any loose meconium and prepare your placenta according to food safety standards prior to dehydrating. I also remove the membranes before the dehydration process begins to minimize any meconium that may be stuck within it.
A vinegar rinse is given to all placentas before the dehydration process begins to kill off any bacteria that may be present. The placenta also is dehydrated for at least 20 hours at the temperature of 165 degrees, also in order to kill of any other bacteria that may be present.
There are many traditions for the placenta, after the birth of your child. In some cultures it is hung from a tree, floated down river, buried by the door or under a special tree or plant. In practices based on Traditional Chinese Medicine, the placenta is prepared with the warming herbs lemon, pepper and ginger and processed into a powder for use in remedies.
The purpose of the mother ingesting encapsulated placenta is to reintroduce the beneficial vitamins, minerals, hormones, proteins, and other nutrients to her body following labor and birth that may help restore a more balanced body function, assist in the prevention of “baby blues” and the more serious postpartum depression, increase breast-milk production and quality, shorten healing time, increase maternal energy levels, and provide an over-all feeling of wellness. Your placenta is made just for you and your baby! Placenta has been used in Traditional Chinese Medicine for centuries and is now gaining acceptance in the United States as natural way to facilitate health and well-being postpartum. Women in your community & celebrities alike have experienced the benefits of placenta encapsulation!
"What are the amazing substances that exist in the placenta in an orally-active form? Dr. Alexandre Bonnin’s study on the placental production of serotonin recently overturned sixty years of conventional medical thought. He explains, “The placenta was seen as a passive organ, but we now know that it has significant synthetic capabilities.” The serotonin-rich placenta helps to regulate sleep patterns; mothers consistently report an increased ability to return to deep sleep cycles after late night/early morning feedings when they are taking regular doses of the placenta. Serotonin levels also aid in balancing weight, mood, and contribute to clearer cognitive functioning.
There are also minerals, trace elements, and vitamins, iron and selenium, the hormones oxytocin, prostaglandin, prolactin and human placental lactagon (hpl), progesterone, serotonin, corticotropin-releasing hormone, and thyroid-releasing hormone (trh), thyroxine, plus vitamin b6, stem cells and growth factors, indoleamines, and lastly, opioids/ placental opioid-enhancing factor (poef)." Brilliant Birth Academy
If you are interested in experiencing the benefits of this organ-of-life but don't feel comfortable just eating it, drinking a placenta smoothie, or trying any of the other numerous placenta recipes the internet has to offer, then Placenta Encapsulation may be the right choice for you. In pill form, you do not need to chew or taste anything- just swallow with a sip of your favorite beverage and say hello to all that your placenta has to offer you. Some Practitioners actually recommend taking your pills with food and a bit of wine to help diffuse it through the body. Pills can be taken as needed in the postpartum period and saved in the freezer for later use for PMS or other issues. Your placenta is intended only for ingestion by you and for safety reasons, should not be shared with other individuals.
I offer the Raw Dehydration Method of preparation.
Prints are optional services offered at no additional cost, as well as an umbilical cord keepsake.
I also offer a tincture at no additional cost.
A placenta tincture is made by infusing placenta in alcohol - vodka. The preparation time is approximately six weeks.
Placenta tincture may be used after the capsules are gone in times of stress, anxiety and emotional lows.
They are consumed by placing a small amount of drops under your tongue or in water, juice or tea as needed.
I am also happy to only do certain parts of the preparation - just cord keepsake, just tincture, just prints. Price will be adjusted accordingly.
Contact me for more information about scheduling this service for yourself or your loved one!

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